We had yesterday the great pleasure and honor to inaugurate our PECE instance with a conference of Prof. Kim Fortun, Department Chair in the University …
Inauguration of the CVA PECE instance

Computer Vulnerability + Anthropology
Windows of exposure: towards an anthropology of computer (in)security and its controversies
We had yesterday the great pleasure and honor to inaugurate our PECE instance with a conference of Prof. Kim Fortun, Department Chair in the University …
réalisé par Thomas Grand @ Atelier XL, Geneva
We are delighted to inform you that the SNF has accepted our research project on Computer Security we submit through the Digital Lives scheme. The 18-month project will start next week.
The project represents a first dive into Computer Security Research and will constitue the foundation of an anthropology of computer security that is almost inexistent so far, thus profiling our unit toward new expertises related to a new, timely and important global topic.