Jon Mosar – Personal Info

Present Position:
  • Professeur titulaire: Tectonics & Geodynamics. Department of Geosciences – Earth Sciences, University of Fribourg Switzerland, since June 2011.
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  • Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche (MER): Structural geology, tectonics, geodynamics, plate tectonics, Department of Geosciences – Earth Sciences, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 2002 – 2011.
  • Chargé de Cours : Structural geology, Geodynamics, General geology, Regional Geology. Institute of Geology. University of Neuchâtel, August 2006 – July 2008.
  • Venia Legendi & Habilitation, University of Fribourg, Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Sciences, Fribourg, Switzerland, December 2003.
  • Full Professor, Norges geologiske undersøkelse (Geological Survey of Norway-NGU) in Trondheim, Norway, Mai 2001 – March 2002.
  • Senior Researcher/associate Professor, Norges geologiske undersøkelse (Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) in Trondheim, Norway,  November 1998 – April 2001.
  • First assistant (equivalent to assistant-professor), Université de Lausanne, Switzerland 1993-1998.
  • Professor, Université Populaire de Lausanne (UPL), Switzerland 1997-1998.
  • Postdoctoral Research in structural geology, Princeton University, U.S.A. 1988-1990 and  Université de Lausanne – Musée géologique, Switzerland 1990-1993.
  • Doctorat ès sciences in structural geology, (Title: Structural geology, deformation and related metamorphism of the Swiss Préalpes) Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Nov. 1987.
  • Diplôme d’études approfondies de Géologie (D.E.A. – equivalent to Masters), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, June 1983.
  • Maîtrise en Sciences de la Terre, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, June 1982.
  • Certificat d’études scientifiques C.E.S. (chemistry, biology, geology), Centre Universitaire in Luxembourg, July 1979.
  • Certificat général d’éducation en sciences et langues (French, German, English), option natural sciences, June 1978 at the Lycée de garçons de Luxembourg.
Committee/Expert Duties – Other professional activities 
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Committee/Expert Duties
  • Expert for Tectonics at NAGRA – Swiss National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (NAGRA), since July
  • Member of the Commission Cantonale des Dangers Naturels (CCDN) of Canton Fribourg Switzerland, since June 2009.
  • Panel member of the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (AFR panel) 2008-2016.
  • Member of ad hoc commission for law on use of natural resources of underground in Canton Fribourg, 2012-2016.
  • Expert on Tectonics in the frame of “Geologische Tiefenlager” for Canton Nidwalden July-December 2010.
  • Expert of the KES – Kantonale Expertengruppe Sicherheit Nukleare Abfälle of the OFEN/BFE, 2009-2010.
  • President of the Scientific Council of the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxemburg ( 2008-2011.
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxemburg ( 2002-2011.
  • Member of the Commission géologique Suisse.
  • Reviewer/Co-editor/Guest-editor: Nature, Tectonics, Tectonophysics, Swiss Journal of Geosciences, EPSL, Geophysical research letters, Basin Research, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Geodynamics, etc.
  • Consulting: Regional geology, tectonics, basin evolution and plate tectonics (for governmental and private institutions/firms).
  • Consulting for seismicity and microtectonics, Mont Terri Laboratory, swisstopo, Switzerland,
  • Consulting on seismic hazard, tectonics and nuclear power plants in western Switzerland for Resun/BKW consortium, 2008/15.
  • Consulting for nuclear waste repositories, Switzerland, Canton Nidwalden,
  • Elaboration of maps on seismic microzonation – Canton Fribourg, Switzerland, 2005-9.
  • Consulting for nuclear waste repositories, Switzerland, NAGRA, since 2007..
  • Consulting on seismic hazard assessment in Canton Fribourg, Switzerland, 2005/6
  • Consulting for petroleum consortiums (Norsk Hydro, Philips): various projects between 2001-2002 on basin evolution and plate tectonics, in the North Atlantic, the Barents Sea and in North Africa.
  • Investigation on structural problems related to the feasibility of nuclear waste repository. Collaborative work with an engineering bureau, commissioned by the NAGRA (Swiss organization for nuclear waste disposal), between 1993 and 1994.
  • Training-period in applied geology at the Geological Survey of Luxembourg, 1981 (duration two months, supervisor: J. Bintz).
Administrative expertise
  • Supervising bachelor/masters projects (>40 since 2003) and thesis (PhD) projects (10 since 2003).
  • Project leader in national and international research endeavours (Scopes, Darius, Mebe, FNS Switzerland).
  • Project leader for research collaboration and consulting work with private and public companies/institutions.
  • Developing and submitting research projects and managing the scientific, as well as the financial aspects of the research grant (SNF, Luxembourg R & D program, ESF, third party funding).
  • Organizing and coordinating field trips and mapping courses.
  • Organizing geology courses and specialized meetings (national and international) and field trips at international meetings.
  • In charge of the journal section of the geology library (Univ. of Lausanne 1993-1997; Univ. Fribourg 2004-), responsible of the map section (Univ. Fribourg 2002-).
  • Best research project (participant) of Geological Survey of Norway: Basin analysis & applied thermochronology on the Mid Norway shelf. Trondheim, Norway, Dec. 2002.
  • Best Scientific Paper of Geological Survey of Norway – NGU: Torsvik T.H., Mosar J. and Eide E. (2001). Cretaceous-Tertiary geodynamics: A North Atlantic exercise. Geophysical Journal International, 146/3, 850-866. Oct. 2001.
  • Europrobe Medal for most valuable presentation at Europrobe joint Pancardi-TESZ-Georift meeting, Tulcea, Romania, Oct. 1999.
  • Research grant for advanced researcher by the Fond national de la recherche scientifique Suisse at University of Lausanne, Switzerland 1990-1992.
  • Research and Development (R&D) grant by the Luxembourg Government, 1989-1991.
  • Fulbright-Hayes fellowship at Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 19881990.
  • Young researcher fellowship by the Fond national de la recherche scientifique Suisse at Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 1988-1989.
  • As citizen of Luxembourg received the International Karlspreis of Aachen ( the people of Luxembourg collectively received this European distinction in 1986
  • NATO fellowship for research in science, 19821984 and 19881989.
  • Fellowship from the Fond national de la recherche scientifique Suisse (FNRS) for doctoral research, Neuchâtel, Switzerland 1983-1987.
  • Research fellowship by the Service Géologique du Luxembourg, 19821983.
  • French Government fellowship for foreign students, Strasbourg, France, 1980-1982.
  • French Government prize for best class grades in French 1978.
  • Belgian Government prize for best class grades in geography 1977.
Membership in Scientific Societies
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) lifetime member
  • Association Géologique du Luxembourg (AGL)
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU) lifetime member
  • Geological Society of America (GSA)
  • Société Géologique Suisse (SGS)
  • Swiss Association of Energy Geologists (SASEG)
  • Swiss Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (SGEB)
  • Swiss association of geologists (CHGEOL)
Scientific Publications

My research on Google Scholar

My Research on Mendeley

My research on ResearchGate

Or below my Scientific Publication list: 

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  • [1]        Mosar J. (1982). Géologie et hydrogéologie de l’alluvium et du substratum de la vallée de l’Alzette. Internal report for the Service Géologique du Luxembourg.
  • [2]        Mosar J. (1983). Déformation et métamorphisme associé. Une coupe dans le Dévonien du Luxembourg. D.E.A. Diploma, Université de Strasbourg, 48pp.
  • [3]*      Maquil R., Mosar J. and Thein J. (1984). Unterdevon-Stratigraphie und variskischer Gebirgsbau im Eislek / Nord – Luxemburg. Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver. N.F. 66, 57-75.
  • [4]*      Mosar J. (1987). Schistosité et métamorphisme hercyniens dans les Ardennes luxembourgeoises. Sciences Géologiques Bull. Strasbourg  40, 231-243.
  • [5]        Mosar J. (1988). Structures, déformation et métamorphisme dans les Préalpes romandes. Thèse de Doctorat ès Sciences, Université de Neuchâtel, unpubl., 124pp.
  • [6]*      Mosar J. (1988). Métamorphisme transporté dans les Préalpes. Schweiz. mineral. petrogr. Mitt.  68, 77-94.
  • [7]*      Mettraux M. and Mosar J. (1989). Tectonique alpine et paléotectonique liasique dans les Préalpes Médianes en rive droitS du Rhône. Eclog. geol. Helv. 82, 517-540.
  • [8]*      Mosar J. (1989). Déformation interne dans les Préalpes médianes (Suisse). Eclog. geol. Helv.  82, 765-793.
  • [9]        Mosar J. (1989-1991). Structural geology and associated metamorphism in the Eislèck (Luxembourg). Intermediate status reports (1-4) for the Service Géologique du Luxembourg.
  • [10]      Mosar J. (1991). S to N increasing low grade metamorphism in the Ardenne (Eislèck, Luxembourg). Terra Abstracts, 3, 106.
  • [11]*    Mosar J. (1991). Géologie structurale dans les Préalpes médianes (Suisse). Eclog. geol. Helv. 84, 689-725.
  • [12]      Mosar J. (1991). Fold geometry in the Préalpes médianes (Switzerland). In: The geometry of naturally deformed rocks, The J.G. Ramsay meeting. Mitt. Geol. Instit. ETH Zürich N.F. 239b, 192-193.
  • [13]      Mosar J. (1992). Low grade metamorphism in the Ardenne (Eislèck, Luxembourg). Final status report part 1, for the Service Géologique du Luxembourg, 44pp.
  • [14]      Mosar J. (1992). Paleostress from the Eislèck (Luxembourg Ardenne, Rhenish slate belt). Final status report part 2, for the Service Géologique du Luxembourg, 31pp.
  • [15]      Mosar J. (1992) Essay on structural geology in the Eislèck (Ardenne, Luxembourg). Final status report part 3, for the Service Géologique du Luxembourg, 36pp.
  • [16]*    Mosar J. and Suppe J. (1992). Role of shear in fault – propagation folding. In: Thrust Tectonics, (Ed. K. McClay), Chapman & Hall, London, 123-132.
  • [17]*    Mosar J. and Borel G. (1992) Paleostress from the Préalpes médianes (Switzerland). Ann. Tectonicae 6, 115-133.
  • [18]      Zahner P. and Mosar J. (1993). Bois de la Glaive. Modèle géologique. NAGRA rapport interne  93-54, 67pp.
  • [19]      Zahner P., Mosar J. et al. – Cédra (1993). Résultat des recherches effectuées sur le site potentiel du Bois de la Glaive (commune d’Ollon, VD). NAGRA Technischer Bericht  93-29, 138pp.
  • [20]      Mosar J. & Borel G. (1993). Le pli de Malatraix: fiction ou réalité? Une analyse historique et structurale dans les Préalpes médianes plastiques, Vaud, Suisse. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 82/4, 319-343.
  • [21]*    Mosar J. (1994). Géologie structurale à l’E de Montreux (Préalpes médianes plastiques, Suisse). Eclog. geol. helv. 87/1,  11-32.
  • [22]*    Mosar J., G.M. Stampfli & F. Girod (1996). Western Préalpes Médianes Romandes: Timing and structure. A review. Eclog. geol. helv. 89/1, 389-425.
  • [23]      Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., & Marchant R.(1997).  From the Préalpes to the Penninic Alps. Evolution of the alpine Tethys margins from rifting to collision. Europ. Ass. Geoscientists & engineers, 59th Conference, 1997 Geneva, Post-congress field trip; ed. Petroconsultants, 64pp.
  • [24]      Mosar J., Stampfli G.M., Favre Ph., Pillevuit A. & Vannay J.C. (1997). The Neotethys/east-Mediterranean basin connection. Terra Abstracts, 9, 394.
  • [25]*    Sommaruga A., Hochuli P.A., & Mosar J. (1997). Geological study of Middle Triassic (Anisian) conglomerates from Capo San Martino, South of Lugano-Paradiso (Southern Alps, Switzerland). Geologia Insubrica, 2/1, 1-14.
  • [26]      Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., Marquer D., Marchant R. (1997). Subduction and obduction processes in the Swiss Alps. Quaderni di Geodynamica Alpina et Quaternaria, 4, 125.
  • [27]      Mosar J. (1997). Folds and thrusts in the Préalpes Médianes Plastiques romandes. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 84/4, 347-384.
  • [28]*    Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., De Bono A., &Vavasis I. (1998). Late Paleozoic, Early Mesozoic plate tectonics of the western Tethys. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. XXXII/1,113-120.
  • [29]      Seghedi A., Stephenson R. Mosar J. & Stovba S. (1998). Hercynian crustal accretion in North Dobrogea, Romania: evidence and regional implications. Acta Universitatis Carolinea – Geologica, 42/2, 337.
  • [30]      Stampfli G.M., Marchant R., & Mosar J. (1998). Subduction and obduction in the Western Alps. Terra Nostra, 98/1, 32-33.
  • [31]      Stampfli G.M & Mosar J. (1998). The plate tectonics of the Western Tethyan regions. Terra Nostra, 98/1, 74-75.
  • [32]*    Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., Marquer D., Marchant R., Baudin Th. and Borel G. (1998). Subduction and obduction processes in the Swiss Alps. Tectonophysics, 296, 159-204.
  • [33]      Steck, A., Allimannn, M., Epard, J.-L., Escher, A., Lempicka Münch, A., Marthaler, M., Masson, H., Mosar J., Sartori, M., Spring, L. (1999). Carte Tectonique des Alpes de Suisse occidentale 1:100 000, Feuille 41 Col du Pillon, Carte géologique spécilae n. 123-NW, eds. Service hydrologique et géologique national. Bern.
  • [34]*    Stampfli G.M & Mosar J. (1999). The making and becoming of Apulia. 3rd Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Biella – Oropa, Sept. 29th – Oct.1st 1997; Gosso, G. Jadoul, F., Sella, M. Spalla, M. I. Eds. Memorie di  Science Geologiche, Univ. di Padova, 51/1, 141-154.
  • [35]*    Mosar J. (1999). Present-day and future tectonic underplating in the Western SwissAlps: reconciliation of basement/wrench-faulting and décollement folding of the Jura and Molasse Basin in the Alpine foreland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 173/3, 143-155.
  • [36]*    Mosar J. (2000). Depth of extensional faulting on the Mid-Norway Atlantic passive margin. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Bulletin, 437, 33-41.
  • [37]*    Borel G.D. & Mosar J. (2000). Hidden structures in the Chablais Préalpes subsurface: New tectonic interpretations of the Préalpes Médianes nappe based on palinspastic lengths. Eclogae geologicae helvetiae, 93/3, 307-314. 
  • [38]      Stampfli, G.M., Borel, G., Cavazza, W., Mosar, J. & Ziegler, P. (2001). Late Triassic recosntruction of the western Tethys realm. Coverpage of Episodes, 24-4.
  • [39]*    Stampfli, G., Borel, G., Cavazza, W., Mosar, J. and Ziegler, P. (Eds., 2001). The Paleotectonic Atlas of the Peritethyan domain. European Geophysical Society – CD-ROM <e-public> – Electronic Publishing & Consulting, Berlin.
  • [40]*    Stampfli G.M., Mosar J., Favre Ph., Pillevuit A. & Vannay J.C. (2001). The Neotethys/east-Mediterranean basin connection. PeriTethyan rift/wrench basins and passive margins, IGCP 369, Peri-Tethys Memoir 6, Mémoires Muséum Nat. d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 186, 51-108.
  • [41]      Mosar, J., Borel, G., Ringgenberg, Y. & Stampfli, G.M. (2001). The internides klippen belt – the Préalpes Romandes domain. In: Geology of the western Swiss Alps, a guide-book. Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 36, 147-176.
  • [42]      Stampfli, G.M., Mosar, J.,  Marchant, R & Borel, G. (2001). The geodynamic framework of the western Alps: The Alpine cycle. In: Geology of the western Swiss Alps, a guide-book. Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 36, 9-26.
  • [43]*    Torsvik T.H., Van der Voo R., Meert J.G., Mosar J. and Walderhaug H.J. (2001). Reconstructions of the continents around the North Atlantic at about the 60th parallel. Earth and planetary Science Letters, 187, 55-69.
  • [44]*    Torsvik T.H., Mosar J. and Eide E. (2001). Cretaceous-Tertiary geodynamics: A North Atlantic exercise. Geophysical Journal International, 146/3, 850-866.
  • [45]*    Stampfli, G.M., Borel, G., Cavazza, W., Mosar, J. and Ziegler, P. (2001).  Palaeotectonic and palaeogeographic evolution of the western Tethys and PeriTethyan domain. Episodes, 24-4, 222-228.
  • [46]      Mosar, J. (2002). Tectonic map of Scandinavian North Atlantic passive margin. Cover page of Norwegian Journal of Geology, vol. 82/2.
  • [47]      Mosar, J. (2002). Crustal-scale cross-section between Norway and Greenland. In Geological map, Land and sea areas of Northern Europe: 1:4 000 000. Ed. E.M.O. Sigmond, Geological Survey of Norway.
  • [48]      Mosar J.  and Opsal J.G. (2002). Separating Svalbard and the Barents Sea from Greenland: A Tertiary Plate-tectonic model. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, vol. 42 n.1/2 supplement, 76-79.
  • [49]      Osmundsen P.T., Sommaruga A., Mosar J., & Torsvik T.H., (2002). The Mid-Norway Atlantic passive margin: Asymmetric passive margin and Multiply extended crust. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, vol. 42 n.1/2 supplement, 79-81.
  • [50]      Mosar J. (2002). The Atlantic Norwegian passive margin: Structure and evolution. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, vol. 42 n.1/2 supplement, 73-76.
  • [51]*    Mosar, J., Lewis, G. and Torsvik, T. H. (2002). North Atlantic sea-floor spreading rates: implications for the Tertiary development of inversion structures of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, London 159, 5, 503-515.
  • [52]*    G.M. Stampfli, G.D. Borel, R. Marchant & Mosar J. (2002). Western Alps geological constraints on western Tethyan reconstructions. The Virtual  Explorer, vol. 8, 75-104.
  • [53]      Torsvik, T.H., Carlos, D., Mosar, J., Cocks, L.R.M. & Malme, T. (2002) Global Reconstructions and North Atlantic Palaeogeography 440 Ma to Recent. In: BATLAS — Mid Norway plate reconstruction atlas with global and North Atlantic perspectives. Eide, E.A., coord., ed. Norges geologiske undersøkelse. Geological Survey of Norway, 18-39.
  • [54]      Mosar, J., & Torsvik, T.H. (2002). Opening the Norwegian and Greenland Seas: Plate tectonics in Mid-Norway since Late Permian. In: BATLAS — Mid Norway plate reconstruction atlas with global and North Atlantic perspectives. Eide, E.A., coord., ed. Norges geologiske undersøkelse. Geological Survey of Norway, 48-59.
  • [55]*    Mosar J., Osmundsen P.T., Sommaruga A., Torsvik T.H. and Eide E. (2002). Greenland – Norway separation: A new geodynamic model for the North Atlantic. Norwegian Journal of Geology, vol. 82/4, 282-299.
  • [56]*    Mosar J. (2003). Scandinavias North Atlantic Passive margin. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108/B8,2360, EGT 1-18.
  • [57]      Bonnet C. & Mosar J. (2004). Landscape, structure and neotectonics in the Swiss and French Prealpes klippen belt. Bolletino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata, vol. 45 n.1 supplement, 15-17.
  • [58]      Mosar J. (2005). Violence tectonique: La terre en colère. Univeristas Friburgensis, déc. 2005, 26-27.
  • [59]      Osmundsen, P. T., Braathen, A., Sommaruga, A., Skilbrei, J. R., Nordgulen, Ø., Roberts, D., Andersen, T. B,. Olesen, O. & Mosar, J.  (2005).  Metamorphic core complexes and gneiss-cored culminations along the Mid-Norwegian margin: an overview and some current ideas. NPF Special Publication 12, (Eds. B. Wandas et al.), 29-41.
  • [60]      Mosar J. (2006). Expédition dans le Grand Caucase oriental. Univeristas, sept. 2006, 38-39.
  • [61]*    S. Cloetingh S., Ziegler P., Bogaard P.,Andriessen P., Artemieva I., Bada, G., van Balen, R.T., Beekmann, F. Ben-Avraham, Z. Brun, J.-P., Bunge, H.P., Burov E., Carbonell, R., Facenna C., Friederich A., Gallart, J., Green A., Heidbach, O., Jones, A., Matenco L., Mosar J., Onken O., Pascal, C., Peters, G., Sliaupa S., Soesso A., Spakman W., Stephenson R., Thybo, H., Torsvik, T., de Vincente, G., Wenzel F., Wortel R., & TOPO-EUROPE Working Group (2007). 4-D topographic evolution of the intra-plate regions of Europe: a multidisciplinary approach linking geology, geophysics and geotechnology. Global and Planetary Change, 58, 1-118.
  • [62]*    Bonnet C., Malavieille J. &  Mosar J. (2007). Interactions between tectonics, erosion and sedimentation during the recent evolution of the Alpine orogen – Analogue modelling insights. Tectonics, 26, TC6016, doi:10.1029/2006TC002048.
  • [63]*    Bonnet C., Mosar J., & Malavieille J. (2008). Surface processes versus kinematics of thrust belts: impact on rates of erosion, sedimentation, and exhumation- Insights from analogue models.  Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol 179/3, 297-314.
  • [64]      Mosar J., Ibele T. & Matzenauer E. (2008) Tectonics of the Molasse Basin of Western Switzerland: An Overview.  NAGRA Arbeits Bericht – NAB-08-07, 84pp..
  • [65]*    Schmid St.M., Manktelow N., Mosar J., Pfiffner A.-O.. & Schaer J.-P. (2008). Modern methods in structural geology and tectonics: a series of articles in honour of Martin Burkhard (1957-2006). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 101,2,  245-249.
  • [66]*    Barrier E. & Vrielynck B. contibutors: Bergerat F., Brunet M-F., Mosar J., Poisson A. & Sosson M. (2008) Paleotectonic maps of the Middle East – Tectono-sedimentary-palinspastic maps from Late Norian to Pliocene. Middle East Basins evolution programme. Ed. CGMW Comission of the geological map of the world. 14 maps.
  • [67]*    Egan S.S., Mosar J., Brunet M-F. & Kangarli T. (2009) Subsidence and Uplift Mechanisms within The South Caspian Basin: Insights From The Onshore and Offshore Azerbaijan Region. Geological Soc. London Spec. Publications, 312, 219–240, DOI: 10.1144/SP312.11.
  • [68]*    Sosson M., Rolland Y., Muller C. Danelian T., Melkonyan R., Adamia S., Kangarli T., Avagyan A., Galoyan G. & Mosar J. (2009) Subductions, obduction and collision in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), new insights. Geological Society London, Special Publication vol. 340, 329-352, DOI:10.1144/SP340.14.
  • [69]*    Mosar J., Kangarli T., Bochud M., Brunet M-F., Glasmacher U.A., Rast A. & Sosson M. (2010) Cenozoic-Recent tectonics and uplift in the Greater Caucasus: a perspective from Azerbaijan. Geological Society London, Special Publication vol. 340, 261-280, DOI:10.1144/SP340.12.
  • [70]*    Schlunegger F. & Mosar J. (2010). The last erosional stage of the Molasse Basin and the Alps.  International Journal of Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0607-1.
  • [71]      Vouillamoz N., Saudan C.& Mosar J. (2010). Microzonage sismique du canton de Fribourg – Cartographie au 1 :25.00 des sols de fondation selon la norme SIA 261. Geofocus 26, 57pp.
  • [72]      Sarret Y.& Mosar J. (2010). Paléotectonique et tectonique alpine dans l’écaille de St‐Triphon. Bulletin de la société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles, vol. 92.1, 1-14.
  • [73]      Mosar J., Meier B., Sommaruga A., Abegnego M., Eichenberger U., Ibele T., Matzenauer E., Sprecher Ch., & Vouillamoz N.  (2011) Die Fribourg-Struktur und die Fribourg-Zone: ein aktives Störungssystem? Oder Der Röstigraben – ein geologischer Beweis! Geschäftsbericht 2010 – Vereinigung Kantonaler Feuerversicherungen VKF, Schweizerischer Pool für Erdbebendeckung  p. 22-24.
  • [74]      Jaquet S., Mosar J., Abednego M. & Schwaab M. (2011). Chutes de blocs – Etude comparative de logiciels de simulation. JDRN – 2. Journée de rencontre sur les dangers naturels, volume spécial 1, p. 1-7.
  • [75]      Mosar J., Abegnego M., Ibele T., Matzenauer E., Meier B., Sommaruga A., Sprecher Ch., & Vouillamoz N.  (2011). Du Jura central aux Préalpes romandes – Une tectonique active dans l’avant-pays des Alpes. Géochronique vol 117, p. 52-55.
  • [76]      Mosar J. (2011). Géologie des Alpes s.l. – Une perspective Helvétique actuelle.  Géochronique vol 117, p. 12-13.
  • [77]      Diem M., Gruber M., Ibele T., Vouillamoz N., Mosar J. (2012). The Broye Graben System – A tectonicaly active graben in a compressional environment. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sciences nat.vol. 93, 1, p.1-8.
  • [78]*    Schori M., Mosar J. & Schreurs G. (2015). Upper detachments during thin-skinned deformation of the Swiss central Jura: a kinematic model across the Chasseral. Swiss Journal of Geosciences. 108(2), pp. 327-343 DOI 10.1007/s00015-015-0196-x
  • [79]*    Sosson M., Stephenson, Sheremet Y., R. Rolland Y., Adamia S., Melkonian R., Kangarli T., Yeregova T., Avagyan A., Galoyan G., Danelian T., Hässig M., Meijers M., Muller C., Sahakyan L., Saradze N., Alania V., Enukidze O., Mosar j. (2015). Ga The eastern Black Sea-Caucasus region during the Cretaceous: New evidence to constrain its tectonic evolution. Comptes rendus Geoscience. DOI:10.1016/j.crte.2015.11.002
  • [80]      Vouillamoz N., Abegnego M., Wust-Bloch G.H., & Mosar J. (2016). Caractérisation de la microsismicité d’une zone de failles actives à proximité de la centrale nucléaire de Mühleberg (KKM).  Geopanorama 1/2016.
  • [81]*    Vouillamoz N., Abednego M., Wust G.H. & Mosar J. (2016). Optimizing event detection and location in low-seismicity zones using nanoseismic monitoring: Case study from Western Switzerland.  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. –, October 2016, doi: 10.1785/0120160029
  • [82]*    Radaideh O.M.A., Grasemann B., Melichar R. & Mosar J. (2016). Detection and analysis of morphotectonic features utilizing satellite remote sensing and GIS: An example in SW Jordan. Geomorphology, vol. 275, 58-79.
  • [83]*    Egli, D.,  Mosar J., Ibele T. & Madritsch H. (2016). The role of precursory structures on Tertiary deformation in the Black Forest – Hegau region. International Journal of Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1427-8.
  • [84]     Sommaruga A., Gruber M. & Mosar J. (2016). Synthèse des données géologiques utiles pour la construction d’un modèle du sous-sol du Canton de Fribourg. Geofocus (ISSN 1424-1463) vol. 39, 103pp.
  • [85]*    Sommaruga A., Mosar J., Schori M. & Gruber M. (2017 ). The role of the Triassic evaporites underneath the North Alpine foreland. In – Permo-Triassic Salt Provinces of Europe, North Africa and Central Atlantic: Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Potential. Chap. 22. Ed. Tari, Soto et al., publ. Elsevier, Elsevier, 350p. ISBN: 9780128094174, doi:10.1016/13978-0-12-809417-4.00021-5.
  • [86]*   Abegnego M., Blascheck P., Schefer S., Nussbaum Ch., Joswig M., Bossart P. & Mosar J. (2017). Seismotectonic analysis around the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland): a pilot study. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 110/1. doi:10.1007/s00015-017-0263-6. 
  • [87]*   Vouillamoz N., Deichmann N. & Mosar J. (2017). Multi-scale imaging of a slow active fault zone: Contribution for improved seismic hazard assessment in the Swiss Alpine foreland. Swiss Journal of Geosciences. Vol. 110/2. doi: 10.1007/s00015-017-0269-0.
  • [88]*   Vincent, S.J.,  Saintot, A., Mosar, J., Okay, Aral I. & Nikishin, A.M. (2017) Comment on ‘Relict basin closure and crustal shortening budgets during continental collision: An example from Caucasus sediment provenance’ by Cowgill et al. [2016]. Tectonics. ISSN 0278-7407, ESSN: 1944-9194
Student Supervision & Research Team (Diploma/Master & PhD)
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Postdoctoral Candidates (at UNIFR , supervisor)

  • 2011-2012 (6 months) – Ibele Tobias: Tectonics of the Hegau-Bodensee area. (3rd party funding NAGRA).
  • 2013-2014 (18 months) – Egli Daniel: Hegau-Bodensee tectonics (FNS)
  • 2014-2015 (6 months) – Egli Daniel: Tectonics Randen Fault system (FNS).
  • 2015-2016 (12 months) – Martinus Abednego: Stress analysis based on seismicity N Switzerland (funding swisstopo & NAGRA)
  • 2018 – 2019 (18 months) – Sandra Borderie: Stress in the Alpine foreland – a kinematic and mechanical approach (SALAMANDER)(funding SNF)

Scientific Collaborator – Project Leader (UNIFR 3rd party funding, supervisor)

  • 2012 (oct.) – 2017 Anna Sommaruga :
    • Tectonics and seismic interpretation of Molasse Basin
    • Molasse Basin Tectonics Fribourg – Geothermal approach

Research assistants (since 2003 at UNIFR 3rd party funding, supervisor)

  • 2006 – Saudan Corinne: Carte de sols de fondations – Feuille de Fribourg 1:25000
  • 2007 – Dentchik Natalia: Translations on Greater Caucasus geology literature
  • 2007 (March) – 2008 (August): Vouillamoz Naomi: Carte de sols de fondations – Feuille Moudon 1:25000 ; Sol de fondation carte du canton de Fribourg.
  • 2012 (Jan.-Febr.)  – Piquerez Alain – Molasse Basins in the Jura : an ArcGIS database.
  • 2014 (Oct. – Dec.) – Schori Marc – 3D Tectonics of the Chasseral area.
  • 2015-2016 (July-January) – Tritschack Roy – GIS data base on tectonics of the Molasse Basin and Jura Mountains.
  • 2017-2018 (March-February) – Mauvilly Jeremiah – GIS-based Tectonic map of the Greater Caucasus and along Military road in Georgia. Tectonics of the Greater Caucasus.

PhD candidates (since 2002 at UNIFR – supervisor)

  • 2006 – Bonnet Cécile: Interactions between tectonics and surface processes in the Alpine foreland: Insights from analogue model and analysis of recent faulting. (UNIFR funding).
  • 2011 – Ibele Tobias: Tectonics of the western Swiss Molasse Basin during Cenozoic Times. (3rd party funding ECAB).
  • 2011 – Bochud Martin: Tectonics of the Eastern Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan. (UNIFR funding).
  • 2012 – Matzenauer Eva: Tectonics in the Préalpes Klippen and the Subalpine Molasse (Canton Fribourg, Switzerland). (UNIFR and 3rd party funding ECAB).
  • ongoing – Thalmann Meinrad: Sedimentology in the Breccia Nappe (3rd party funding)
  • 2015 – Vouillamoz Naomi: Microseismic characterization of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic monitoring (3rd party funding RESUN/BKW).
  • 2015 – Abednego Martinus: Microseismic Tomography Analysis of the larger Fribourg area (western Swiss Molasse Basin). (UNIFR and 3rd party RESUN/BKW funding).
  • ongoing 2012 – Gruber Marius: 3D tectonics of the Central western Molasse basin between Jura and Prealpes. (UNIFR funding).
  • ongoing 2015- Nicole Schmitt: Stress State, Fault Criticality and Fluids: the fault architecture of the La Sarraz fault system (swisstopo funding).
  • ongoing 2016 – Omar Mohammed Radaideh: Stress and Tectonic anisotropy along the Pontarlier strike-slip fault system (Swiss and French Jura fold-and-thrust-belt) (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship).
  • ongoing 2016 – Marc Schori: Kinematic and tectonic evolution of the Central Jura fold-and-thrust belt. (UNIFR funding)
  • ongoing 2018 – Louis Hauvette: Kinematics and tectonics of the larger Geneva area (Geneva Basin and Jura fold-and-thrust belt) (SIG Geneva funding)

PhD candidates (Co-supervisor)

  • ongoing 2016 – Fuad Aliyev: Seismicity and tectonics in the Greater Caucasus of Azerbaijan. (visiting fellow in UNIFR; supervisor Dr. Talat Kangarli, Geological Institute of Azerbaijan).

PhD jury member

  • 2008 – Madritsch Herfried: Structural evolution and neotectonics of the Rhine-Bresse Transfer Zone. University of Basel (supervisor Prof. St. Schmid).
  • 2013 – Ospina-Ostios Lina Maria: Biostratigraphy and Structure of the Voirons Flysch. University of Geneva (supervisor Prof. P. Kindler).
  • 2014 – Alexander Malz: „Inversionsstrukturen und abgescherte Überschiebungssysteme – Strukturinventar und strukturelle Analyse einengender Deformation in Mitteleuropa am Beispiel der Thüringer Mulde und des Schweizer Faltenjura. University of Jena (supervisor J. Kley).
  • 2015 – Pierrick Altwegg: Gravimetry for geothermal exploration – Methodology, and two case studies in the Swiss Molasse Basin. University of Neuchâtel (supervisor Ph. Renard).
  • 2015 – Roland Baumberger: Remote sensing in the Aar-massif. University of Bern (supervisor M. Herweg).
  • 2016 – Mickael Rabin: Caractérisation de la déformation récente dans une chaine orogénique lente : l’arc du Jura. Approches combinées morphotectonique, géodésique et géophysique. University of Besançon (supervisor Ch. Sue). – Rapporteur.
  • 2016 – Typhaine Caer: Interprétation structurale et équilibre mécanique : le calcul à la rupture appliqué aux chaînes d’avant-pays. Cas du Jura. University of Cergy-Pontoise (supervisor Maillot B., Letourmy P., Souloumiac P.) – Rapporteur.
  • Ongoing 2019 – Tatiana Spilger: Fission-track dating in the Lesser and Greater Caucasus. University of Heidelberg (supervisor U.A. Glasmacher).

PhD Supervising committee

  • 2011-2015 – Anna Reusch: Late Quaternary paleoseismic reconstructions of the western Swiss Molasse Basin – Sedimentary processes. ETHZ (supervisor M. Strasser)

Price winning Students (supervisor J.M.)

  • 2011 – Prix Thürler Reeb – Faculty of Sciences University of Fribourg to Dr. Martin Bochud: Tectonics of the Eastern Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan.
  • 2015 – Prix de la Faculté de Sciences (Université de Fribourg) 2015 en sciences expérimentales to Dr. Naomi Vouillamoz: Microseismic characterisation of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic Monitoring.
  • 2015 – CHGEOL Award – Swiss Association of Geologists to Dr. Naomi Vouillamoz: Microseismic characterisation of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic Monitoring.
  • 2016 – Prix de la recherche sur l’Environnement de l’Université de Fribourg to Dr. NAOMI VOUILLAMOZ : Microseismic characterisation of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic Monitoring.
  • 2018 – Prix de la Faculté de Sciences (Université de Fribourg) 2018 en sciences expérimentales to Dr Marius Gruber : Structural investigations of the Western Swiss Molasse Basin – From 2D seismic interpretation to a 3D geological model.

Diploma/Master Thesis Candidates (since 2003 at UNIFR, supervisor)

  • 2003 – Fuchs Stefan : Préalpes Tectonics Schopfenspitz
  • 2005 – Saudan Corinne : Préalpes Tectonics décrochement de Tannay
  • 2006 – Moussah Salah: Seismic interpretation offshore NW Australia.
  • 2006 – Bochud Martin: Tectonic evolution of the Eastern Greater Caucasus.
  • 2007 – Rast Annick: Tectonics of Azerbaijan Caucasus.
  • 2007 – Rollier Baptiste: Plis d’interférence de la région de Tata (Anti Atlas Maroccain).
  • 2007 – Matzenauer Eva: Spannungsanalyse der Mittelland Molasse des Kantons Freiburg anhand von Deformationserscheinungen an Geröllen und Bruchbildungen.
  • 2008 – Schurmann Clementine: Alpine deformation in the Emosson area : Massif des Aiguilles Rouges.
  • 2009 – Abdednego Martinus: Seismic earthquake tomography inversion using Artificial Neural Network in Fribourg, Switzerland
  • 2010 – Ruffieux Yannick: Analyse structurale du Rocher des Rayes.
  • 2011 – Castelletti Claudio : Analyse des contraintes et des fractures dans les Préalpes Médianes Romandes dans la région de Boltigen, Cantons de Fribourg et Bern.
  • 2011 – Roth Stéphanie: Paleostress dans les Préalpes Médianes de la région de Boltigen (FR/BE).
  • 2011 – Fragnière Francois-Xavier: Analyse structurale de la Dent de Corjon.
  • 2011 – Jacquet Silvain: Chutes de Blocs – Etude comparative de logiciels de simulation.
  • 2012 – Gruber Marius : Geophysik, Geologie und Geomorphologie Untersuchungen entlang der La Lance Blattverschiebung.
  • 2014 – Diem Michael: La Lance Querstörung: Geophysikalische, geomorphologische und geologische Untersuchung einer aktiven Bruchzone.
  • 2014 – Riedo Marc : Die Rutschung le Creux d’Enfer. Analyse von Massenbewegungen im Gurnigelflysch (Fribourg).
  • 2015 – Falco Thierry: Terctonique et partitionnement des contraintes dans la Molasse Subalpine du Mont Pélerin.
  • 2015 – Peiry Louis: Analyse et caractérisation par des méthodes géophysiques du glissement de terrain de Roggos Hürli dans la région du Lac Noir (Fribourg).
  • 2015 – Rey Thibault : Tectonique cassante dans le Jura Neuchâtelois.
  • 2015 – Gross Simon : Glissement de terrain le Bry – Sus Cressin (FR).
  • 2016 – Milani Angelo: Etude géoélectrique du Quaternaire au Paccots (Châtel-St.-Denis – canton de Fribourg).
  • 2016 – Privitera Giuseppe: Evaluation du risque naturel géologique : Vallée du Gottéron et quartier du Schönberg (Fribourg).
  • ongoing – Giacca Davide: Chutes de blocs et fracturation aux Gastlosen (Fribourg).
  • 2017 – Tadé Athos: Analyse du système de failles dans le Jura plissé entre la Faille de La Lance et la Faille de Pontarlier.
  • 2017 – Luyet Marie: Etude sismo-tectonique de séquences microsismiques au sud-est du Jura Suisse en 2014 et 2015 à l’aide de sonogrammes et d’analyses de similarité de formes d’ondes.
  • ongoing – BugadaAris: Chutes de pierres, le cas de ….- Tessin.
  • 2017 – Mauvilly Jeremiah: Tectonics in the Georgian Greater Caucasus: a structural cross section in an inverted rifted basin setting. 127pp
  • 2017 – Rime Valentin: Tectonics of the Neuchâtel Jura Mountains.
  • ongoing – Nguyen Viêt-Thang: Contraintes tectoniques sur la faille de Pontarlier.
  • Ongoing – Verbeken Benjamin: The La Sarraz fault: fault architecture and dissolution creep.
  • ongoing – Lonfat Kevin: Cartographie et Géologie structurale dans la région des Dents du Midi (Salanfe): de la Science à la didactique.
  • ongoing – Vera Kalberguenova: Tectonic and paleotectonic evolution of the northern Greater Caucasus foreland.
  • ongoing – Sturny Janine: Structural geology along a north-south section between the TienShan and the Northern Pamir in Kirgyzstan.
  • Ongoing – Marro Adeline: Kinematics and tectonics of the Central Jura fold and thrust belt: a forward modelling and spaleostress approach.
  • Ongoing – Niels Andersson: Mechanical and kinematic modelling along and around the Pontarlier Fault System in the western Jura fold-and-thrust belt and the Molasse Basin.                                             

Diploma/Master Thesis Candidates (since 2003 at UNIFR, Co-supervisor)

  • 2014 – Schori Marc: Combined structural field investigations and remote sensing analysis of the Combe Grède area (Chasseral, Central Jura) (co-supervisor: G. Schreuers UNIBE).

Bachelor Thesis Candidates (since 2003 at UNIFR – supervisor)

  • 2006 – Iannotti Patrick: Caucasus lineament analysis.
  • 2008 – Sarret Yannick: Tectonique des collines de Saint Triphon (Préalpes).
  • 2008 – Roth Stéphanie: Analogue modeling of basement uplift/inversion structures.
  • 2008 – Castelletti Claudio: Analyse des contraintes et des fractures dans la région du Kaiseregg (Fribourg).
  • 2010 – Kilchoer Michael: Modélisation par sismique réfraction du toit de la Molasse et de sa couverture à Grange des Bois Dessous (FR), un secteur de décrochement de la Lance.
  • 2011 – Kupferschmied Nicolas: Les Galets impressionnés du Mont Vuarat.
  • 2012 – Peiry Louis: Chutes de Pierres et de blocs dans les Gastlosen.
  • 2011 – Jaccaud Léonard: Chutes de Pierres et de blocs – Utilisation de la projection stéréographique.
  • 2012 – Gaegler Kaspar: Rockfall in the Wandflue area (Gastlosen- Prealpes).
  • 2012 – Hirsiger Caroline : Galets impressionnés et déformés de la Molasse subalpine.
  • 2012 – Zuchuat Valentin : Plis et chevauchements dans les calcaires plaquetés des Préalpes Médianes Plastiques.
  • 2012 – Rey Thibault : Boudinage au Simplon – géométrie et cinématique.
  • 2014 – Viet-Thang: The Dorena Anticline – geometry and kinematic.
  • 2014 – Schmid Piero: Fold and fault kinematics in the Prealpes.
  • 2014 – Milani Angelo: Système de fracture au Simplon.
  • 2014 – Perrochet Lea: Analyse des Paléo-contraintes de la région d’Eclépens.
  • 2014 – Grassi Renata: Analyse des Paléo-contraintes de la région d’Eclépens.
  • 2014 – Mauvilly Jeremiah: Strukturgeologie an der Randen-Verwerfung.
  • 2015 – Rime Valentin: Etude tectonique de la structure de Hermrigen.
  • 2015 – Maillard Lena: The Triassic décollement level under the Molasse Basin and the Jura.
  • 2015 – Thierrin Lauranne: The Courtion Drill core: investigation, rock-typing and tectonics in the Mesozoic series below Fribourg.
  • 2016 – Benjamin Verbeken : Fracture pattern and architecture of fault zones in the Eclepens quarry (La Sarraz – Mormont fault).
  • 2018 – Sturny Janine: Fracturation de la chaîne de Mont Tendre.
  • 2018 – Herr Isabel: Fracturation de la chaîne de Mont Tendre.
  • Ongoing – Anina Ursprung: Fracturation, tectonique et cinématique le long de la faille de St Cergue.
  • Ongoing – Lucas Simian: Cinématique du segment SW de la faille de Pontarlier
  • Ongoing – Laurie Multone : Développement de failles et sismicité.
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I have a teaching expertise in different topics of Earth sciences from introductory courses for Bachelors to advanced courses for PhD candidates. My experience includes lecturing, practical lab works, excursions and field camps, organising meetings and workshops and developing new courses.

  • Professeur titulaire at University of Fribourg since 2011.
  • Venia Legendi (PD/habilitation), University of Fribourg, since 2003.
  • Maître d’enseignement et de recherche, University of Fribourg, since 2002.
  • Chargé de cours, University of Neuchâtel, 2006-2008
  • Professor at the Geological Survey of Norway, 2001-2002.
  • Professor at the Université Populaire de Lausanne, Switzerland, 19971998.
  • First assistant (equiv. assist. professor) at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, October 1992 – September 1998.
  • Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic High (EPFL) school in Lausanne,
  • Teaching assistant at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Oct. 1983 – Febr. 1988.
  • Training on pedagogy and teaching in Luxembourg, (two weeks) 1983.

Topics Taught

  • Introductory courses in General Geology
  • Laboratories in general geology
  • Introductory and advanced courses in structural geology and tectonics
  • Lab works in structural geology and tectonics
  • Exercises on map interpretation and cross sections
  • Regional geology (Switzerland)
  • Geodynamics of mountain belts, basins & passive margins
  • Advanced courses and short courses in tectonics and plate tectonics
  • Epistemology in Geology
  • Excursions, fieldtrips and mapping exercises in different countries (Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Italy) for different groups (students, foreign universities, meeting parties etc.)

Courses taught presently at Fribourg

  • Introduction to geosciences (Bachelor 1. year) – SA & SP total of 7x2h
  • Introduction to geosciences Practicals (Bachelor 1. year) – SA & SP total of 3x3h
  • General geology (Bachelor 1. year) – SP total of 5x4h.
  • Epistemology of Geology (Bachelor 1. year) – SA total of 2x2h
  • Histoire de la Terre practicals (Bachelor 1. Year) – SP total 2x7x2h
  • Maps & Cross section 1 Lab work (Bachelor 1. year) – SA 2h/week
  • Tectonics (Bachelor 2. year) – SA & SP 2h/week.
  • Regional geology (Bachelor 2. year) – SP total 5x2h
  • Maps & Cross section 2 Lab (Bachelor 2. year) – SP 2h/week
  • Field trip: Tectonics (Bachelor 2. year) – 1day
  • Field trip: Regional geology (Bachelor 2. year) – 1day
  • Field trip: Dynamic Alps (Master) – 1 day (Jura, Préalpes)
  • Mapping camp (Bachelor 1. year) – 3 days
  • Mapping camp (Bachelor 2. year) – 5 days
  • Paleostress analysis (BEFRI Master course) SA total 3 h + fieldtrip
  • Basin development (BEFRI Master course) bi-annual SP total 3x2h
  • Mountain building Processes (BEFRI Master Course) bi-annual SP total 4x2h
  • Master in Geosciences of the environment (UNIFR ) total 2h